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Buying The Dress


One of the most exciting parts of the planning process for most brides its choosing the dress. The idea of an afternoon prancing around in beautiful dresses, drinking champagne and having a giggle with your girlfriend sounds like heaven.
However, I have found plenty of brides left deflated after their first appointment with the experience not living up to their expectations. We’ve gathered some feedback from our brides to put together some key points to make sure you have that perfect experience!

Don’t be scared when the dresses don’t fit
It’s impossible for stores to stock dresses to fit every shape or size so be prepared for bulldog clips, elastic bands and either pinched backs or gaping holes. It is very rare for a bride to find a dress that will fit her perfectly on their shopping experience so don’t be disheartened when they have to pull and stretch a dress to show you roughly what it will look like. If it is the perfect dress, you will see past the fact it is the wrong size and you’ll see that perfect dress.

No photos
Most boutiques will have a no photo policy, this is to protect the designers from copyright, so just be aware this might happen. Once you have chosen a dress and put down a deposit you can snap you heart away.

Mix Up your style
99% of brides will have been dreaming of their dress since birth but don’t be afraid to try on other styles. No-one wants to try on what the thought was their dream style only to discover it really doesn’t suit them and be left feeling down and not knowing where to go. My advice, for your first shopping experience go somewhere with a big range of styles first and try everything on, don't be afraid to really push the boat out and test the waters.

Don’t starve yourself
A happy couple gain a few lbs in their relationship and every bride wants to feel their best on their wedding day, and usually a bride thinks she needs to lose weight for the Big Day. There is already so much pressure around the wedding as it is the last thing you need to be worrying about is losing those few lbs for the dress to fit. Go dress shopping before beginning any sort of dieting and if you love yourself in the dress with that little bit of extra padding you won’t feel the pressure to keep it off in the lead up to the wedding. 


Written by Natasha

Natasha Hildyard